ID : 10393

Age: 84


Country: INA

Note: Turn your mobile to landscape mode to view table in rows.

CompEventResultPosRepDateStageIAAF ptsRec
SMA 40th Anniversary (75-79 age grp) 2019100m (Men)DNFINA2019-05-05 00:00:00 FINAL
Asian Masters (75-79 age grp) 2016100m (Men)15.582INA2016-05-05 00:00:00 FINAL 49
Singapore Masters (75-79 age grp) 2015100m (Men)15.441INA2015-06-26 00:00:00 FINAL 59
SMA 40th Anniversary (75-79 age grp) 2019200m (Men)35.923INA2019-05-04 00:00:00 FINAL
Singapore Masters (75-79 age grp) 2015200m (Men)32.951INA2015-06-27 00:00:00 FINAL 33
SMA 40th Anniversary (75-79 age grp) 201960m (Men)9.861INA2019-05-04 00:00:00 FINAL
Singapore Masters (75-79 age grp) 2015Javelin (Men) 800g24.96m1INA2015-06-26 00:00:00 FINAL 323
SMA 40th Anniversary (75-79 age grp) 2019Javelin (M 70-79) 500g21.50m1INA2019-05-04 00:00:00 FINAL

Soetikno Hendrata